Genealogy Studies Program

Genealogy Conferences – An Overview

Every season has its compelling conferences—from Winter’s RootsTech in Salt Lake City, to Spring’s National Genealogical Society, and Summer’s Federation of Genealogical Societies conferences in various cities, and Fall’s New York State Family History Conference in Syracuse, N.Y. Choosing which ones to attend will probably have more to do with location than anything else since the programs and speakers are very similar.

Expect to see many one-hour presentations geared to different levels—beginner, intermediate, and some advanced. Expect ballroom-sized, theatre-style seating and PowerPoint or Prezi presentations followed by a few minutes of questions and answers.

How to get the most of this environment? Look for workshops where there is hands-on experience. Consider a luncheon or dinner where you have a chance to speak with like-minded new friends around the table. Look for panel discussions if you like a lively back and forth.

Certain groups make a point of getting together at conferences. One of these is the BU alumni group. Identified by their red BU ribbons, these graduates of the certificate program are ambassadors for our course and always happy to discuss specifics with anyone who asks. Over 1,000 strong now, their experiences in the same program give them a powerful tie to others who recognize the advantages of quality fundamental instruction.

If you see the red BU ribbon at any of these conferences, stop and get a first-hand opinion about what the course has meant to someone who made the decision to excel.

Melinde Lutz Byrne